Farmers and agronomists with an interest in nature-friendly farming can get involved with practical discussions at a new Regen Zone with Soil Association Certification at this week’s CropTec Show.
It is the first time the zone will be running at the show, which runs across Wednesday 29 and Thursday 30 November in Stoneleigh, and aims to provide practical and technical farming information.
Soil Association Certification will be hosting sessions on agroforestry and on fixing nitrogen in soils through nature-based solutions, as well as being on hand with information on organic principles that can be adopted by any farmer.
Farming advisors from the Soil Association charity will also be able to provide advice on the funding options available within the new Sustainable Farming Incentives and Countryside Stewardship.
Soil Association Certification Farming Director Emma Yeats said: “We are delighted to host CropTec’s first ever Regen Zone at a key time for the farming sector as we see interest rising in nature-friendly farming. All types of farmers are increasingly under pressure to minimise their impacts on the environment so it is essential that we all work together to discuss the different ways we can do that.
“While regenerative farming has no fixed definition, it is clear there is a groundswell of farmers who are united in their mission to deliver for soil health, clean water, and biodiversity. We look forward to hearing lots of practical insights at our panel discussions that are open to everyone.”
Soil Association Certification hosted talks in the Regen Zone:
- “How to be a regen farmer” 10:15-11am, Wednesday 29 November
Chaired by Soil Association Certification’s Sarah Hathway, Elle Vercoe-Gibson from LEAF will join organic farmer Andrew Bullock and James Alexander who farms both organically and non-organically and has taken part in the living mulch arable trials with Innovative Farmers.
- “Agroforestry on your farm” 3-3.45pm, Wednesday 29 November
Soil Association Certification’s Andy Grundy will chair a discussion on trees on farms with Will Simonson from the Organic Research Centre and Soil Association farming advisors Jon Haines and Tom Ottaway who can share their insights from the Eastbrook Farm agroforestry project.
- “Natural Nitrogen and the Sustainable Farming Incentives” 10.15-11am and 3-3.45pm, Thursday 30th November
Soil Association farming advisors Adrian Steele and Jerry Alford will be providing advice on alternatives to artificial nitrogen fertilisers, and how these practices are rewarded in the Sustainable Farming Incentives.
For more information visit the CropTec website.