GB Potatoes, the industry body formed to represent the interests of ware potato growers throughout the UK is stressing that growers and processors need to get on board in order for it to be effective.
The not-for-profit organisation was formed after the demise of AHDB Potatoes and aims to secure a secure future across the potato industry through promotion and lobbying. Chairman of the organisation, Mark Taylor, told Potato Business, that growers need to join if the organisation is going to be effective.
“We’ve deliberately pitched membership low at just 22% of the mandatory AHDB levy to encourage signup and get the support we need to get us going,” he explained. Membership fees are currently £10/ha for growers and 10p/t for packers and processors. Companies associated with the sector are encouraged to join as associate members.
GB Potatoes has set its target membership at 50% of the UK potato area with a further 50% of the tonnage of processors and packers signed up.
“By engaging with Defra, this can better inform policy-making and raise awareness on the impacts of diminishing productivity and self-sufficiency specific to the potato crop,” he continued. “Each part of the supply chain needs to be properly rewarded for the risk it takes.”
Mark is in contact with Defra Minister, Mark Spencer to organise a sector meeting, and says that GB Potatoes wants to champion the UK potato industry at every opportunity. “The UK potato sector is worth £4bn at retail level and we want potatoes to be the carbohydrate of first choice, with UK consumers eating UK potatoes,” he added.