- Phone 01795 533225
- Email sales@fastllp.com
- Address Crop Technology Centre, Brogdale Farm, Brogdale Road, Faverhsam, Kent ME13 8XZ
- Website http://www.fastllp.com
- Instagram @fruitadvisoryllp
- LinkedIn @fruitadvisoryserviceteamllp
- Twitter @fastllp
FAST provides a range of analytical services such as leaf, soil and sap analysis to help you maintain optimum nutrient levels throughout the year. We also supply a range of foliar feeds, pheromone traps and bio stimulants to maximise crop health
Anti-Stress is a non-toxic, biodegradable coating that can minimize the damage of climate related stress and provides a unique permeable film on the leaf surface that can reduce the effects of frost and freeze, rapid temperature variations, transplant shock, drying winds, water and drought stress
Pheromone traps provide estimates of pest distribution, indicate changes in population dynamics and behaviour. They require minimal maintenance, can detect insects 24 hours a day and be used effectively by minimally trained persons. Our trap is robust, easy to maintain in the orchard and can be reused for several seasons. Use in conjunction with Suzukii lure specifically for SWD detection
Our highly popular mycorrhiza product, Mycor A, has now evolved into pellet form. Not only does this mean more accurate dosage and easier application, but the addition of Azospirillum bacteria addresses soil nitrogen levels.
For details on any of our lab services or available products, please don’t hesitate to contact us via our website or direct on sales@fastllp.com.