- Contact Mark Horner
- Phone 01257 226590
- Email info@engagecropsolutions.com
- Website www.engagecropsolutions.com
- Facebook @EngageCropSolutions
- Instagram @engagecropsolutions
- LinkedIn @engage-crop-solutions
- Youtube @engagecropsolutions
- Address Engage Crop Solutions, Unit 5, Town lane Ind. Est, Town Lane, Charnock Richard, Chorley PR75XG
Agriculture across the world is changing, facing challenges more acute than ever before. Water availability and quality, rapid population increase, climate change, agrochemical restriction and nutrient pollution are just a few of the many issues facing farmers and growers today. The pressure to supply quality produce for ever growing market demand is creating new challenges for agriculture and agribusinesses need to adapt quickly to support this growth.
In 2012, four forward-thinking professionals decided to create a business dedicated to developing platform, solution-based technologies to support the future of agriculture.
This business is Engage Crop Solutions.
Focusing on nutritional, biostimulatory and rootzone based support, Engage technologies address growth limiting factors and provide a holistic approach to limiting susceptibility to biotic and abiotic stress. This ensures farmers and growers can continue to grow the highest quality crops and produce.
Now into our second decade, Engage is leading the way in innovation in our sector, offering advanced technologies backed by strong technical support and service. Our teams of highly experienced agronomists across the world, are dedicated to support our technologies and customers wherever in the world they are.
Are you ready to Engage the Power of Nutrition?’