Waitrose has announced a long term partnership agreement with fruit supplier Primafruit to exclusively manage the sourcing of imported fruit categories.
The agreement will enable Waitrose to build closer links with its growers. The shorter supply chain will also ensure greater stability for growers and provide increased opportunity for Waitrose and growers to plan strategically for the long term, including the creation of a produce development fund.
As part of the new agreement Waitrose and Primafruit will be packing all imported core fruit in a single packhouse in Evesham, creating a number of jobs.
Says Waitrose head of fresh produce Simon Moore: ‘This new model will enable us to build stronger links with our grower base in which we can invest and plan for the long term. And the shorter supply chain will ensure we are sourcing our fruit in the most efficient way possible, creating the best value for customers while continuing to build our leading quality standards.’
The categories covered by the partnership are citrus, grapes, stone fruit, melons, pineapples. Waitrose significantly overtrades on fruit, holding an 8.2% market share (Nielsen) versus its overall grocery market share of 5.1% (Kantar).