The Pesticides Forum has published its latest annual report ‘Pesticides in the UK – the 2014 report on the impacts and sustainable use of pesticides.’
The report combines the Forum’s annual and indicator reports. It outlines progress made with activities promoting the sustainable use of pesticides. It also highlights key developments and trends in the use of pesticides, and identifies issues needing further monitoring or work.
In a statement, the Forum said, “The information and data presented in this report indicate that, overall, pesticides are being used in a more sustainable fashion than in the past. Improvements are being made to the arrangements for training pesticide users and distributors and there is increasing awareness of the need to use an appropriate range of techniques for controlling pests, weeds and diseases in an integrated fashion. Pesticide users, distributors and advisors are engaging with continuing professional development training programmes in increasing numbers and a significant proportion of application equipment continues to be tested on an annual basis.”
However, it warned that, “There is a continuing need to reduce the number of water bodies which are at risk of failing to meet the requirements of water quality legislation due to pesticides.” It also said that some data suggested that pesticide use could be having an indirect impact on biodiversity.