The loss of methiocarb does not mean growers will not be able to control slugs, but they must take care to select the right product say agronomists and manufacturers.
The Cereals event in June will include a ‘Slug Trail’ offering NRoSO and BASIS points to those completing it by visiting the Water UK, Certis and DeSangosse stands. “The aim is to equip spray operators and advisers with an understanding of the risks that can lead to metaldehyde exceedances occurring in water,” says Simon McMunn of the Metaldehyde Stewardship Group (MSG), which is working closely with the water companies.
Meanwhile independent agronomist Neil Pratt has said that his work comparing slug pellets has shown “It’s important to match pellet choice to situation. Durability and ballistic performance are the principal considerations – these attributes determine how consistently the pellet spreads and how long it persists in the field.”
He advises that while some metaldehyde-based pellets have similar properties to phased out methiocarb products, in certain situations, such as where water courses may be affected, ferric phosphate pellets should be used.