A scheme to remove illegal pesticides from circulation has been launched by the Scottish Government. It will allow those who know, or suspect they are in possession of certain pesticides which are illegal, to dispose of them safely and confidentially.
Only selected substances will be accepted, including carbofuran, and other illegal pesticides such as mevinphos and strychnine. One of the aims is to reduce the illegal poisoning of wildlife and birds of prey.
Environment Minister, and Chair of the Partnership for Action Against Wildlife Crime (PAW) Scotland, Dr Aileen McLeod said, “The illegal poisoning of wildlife cannot and will not be tolerated in a modern Scotland. The Scottish Government has made tackling wildlife crime a priority.
“While recent incidents have demonstrated that some people are still deliberately using these pesticides to kill wildlife, we also know that in many cases these substances may have been left forgotten and unused for years. Therefore I hope that people will come forward safe in the knowledge that handing over these pesticides will not be seen as an assumption of guilt.
NFU Scotland Vice-President Rob Livesey, added; “Farmers are often unsure who they should turn to should they find chemicals of concern – leading many to leave them where they are. NFU Scotland therefore commends Scottish Government for funding a straightforward and confidential scheme to deal with particularly problematic and now illegal products. I would encourage all our members to check their chemical stores. If they find any products that are eligible for disposal via this scheme, they shouldn’t hesitate to take action.”