Despite reporting a €200 million fall in earnings for the year, Dutch produce marketing group The Greenery, says that efforts to cut costs and improve efficiencies are paying off.
For 2014 the company said turnover fell from €1.3 to €1.1 billion, citing the loss of growers at the end of 2013 and low prices in 2014. However, in a statement the company claimed that, “Compared with 2013, the results show great improvement. Carrying out the necessary changes has allowed a lean core company to emerge. Opting to pursue a retail strategy was a credible decision, which has generated growth potential.”
These changes include organisation changes and cutting 350 jobs, better handling procedures to reduce waste in the supply chain and more direct sales to retailers. In its annual report the company said that, going forward, it would focus activities on the Netherlands, Germany and the UK where it would continue to build links with retailers. To compensate for the loss of markets it is looking to new customers in countries such as China, to whom it delivered 247,000 pears in 2014.