The winners of the GreenTech Awards were announced at the opening of GreenTech Amsterdam 2022. Organifarms wins the Concept Award for BERRY, a harvesting robot for strawberries. Biobest wins the Innovation Award for the Micromus-System, a generalist predator for protected crops.
Jury chair Liselotte de Vries (TU Delft AgTech Institute) says: “This year we received submissions with a wide variety, which is exciting to see after the past challenging years. The jury looked at biological-, production- and digitization technologies. A selection of these were nominated for the Innovation and Concept Awards.”
On the winners: “The Concept and Innovation Award winners won based on their product and also based on their professional presentations. Both presented the jury with a high level of details, based on facts & figures and a very concrete insight into their product, company and business plans. We encourage future submissions to follow this level of professionalism.”
BERRY by Organifarms is a harvesting robot for strawberries automating the detection of position, ripeness, and quality of the fruit.
Organifarms first product is BERRY, a harvesting robot for strawberries. Key component is their image recognition software for the detection of position, ripeness, and quality of the fruit. BERRY can detect the exact degree of ripeness of each fruit, harvest them safely and places them directly into punnets where there are weighed and ready for sale.
De Vries says: “An interesting technology, strong team and strong network of partnerships that can contribute to the flexibility and swift development of Berry.”
Micromus-System is a generalist predator of which both adults and larvae feed on all common aphid species found in protected crops.
The brown lacewing Micromus angulatus is a generalist predator feeding on all common aphid species found in protected crops such as vegetable, soft fruit, medicinal cannabis and ornamental crops. Both larvae and adults prey on aphids.
De Vries: “With this winner the jury expressed its support to continue the development of new sustainable innovations of IPM programs.”
The winners, nominees and entries for the Innovation Awards are showcased during the exhibition. To check out the longlist of all the entries of the Innovation Awards please visit:
And the nominees: