A new Rhubarb Growers’ Group has been established to help represent the sector.
“Collaboration on new research required by this sector is necessary to ensure that our Horticultural Development Company (HDC) levy is spent on projects required by commercial growers”, says Neil Cairns, Farm Manager at Barfoots, who has agreed to chair the group.
Rhubarb growers will be meeting on May 7 in Yorkshire to view the new HDC funded herbicide trial and a meeting with HDC will be organised to discuss future research priorities.
Although there are not a large number of commercial growers, all those involved are encouraged to join the group and help shape research work to meet their needs.
Growers who would like to receive more information about the meeting in May or about this group’s proposals please contact: Jayne Dyas at British Growers, Jayne.Dyas@britishgrowers.org or 01507 602427