Farmers and growers are being sought to take part in an academic study looking at advancing fair practices in the UK’s fresh fruit and vegetable sector supply chains.
The work, which is being carried out Dr Adenike Moradeyo, a postgraduate researcher at the University of Leicester School of Business (ULSB), aims to capture experiences and thoughts from growers and others in the sector. Those taking part will be invited to participate in an informal interview, either in person or remotely, of 45 to 55 minutes, and all participants will remain anonymous throughout the process.
Adenike said, “Unfair treatment of farmers has been identified as one of several causes of poor production of fresh fruit and vegetables in the UK. I am interested in learning about the history of farming businesses and [growers’] experiences and thoughts on ‘fairness in the fresh fruit and vegetable supply chain in the UK, particularly in the relationship with large grocery retailers’ with a focus on their ideas about the causes of poor practices in the UK, how fairness can be promoted and the benefits of practising fairness in the UK fresh fruit and vegetable sector and the UK food industry as a whole”.
She is keen to speak to those supplying grocery retailers and supermarkets either directly, or through intermediaries, in particular business owners, directors, and senior managers. “We want to assure you that this study is for academic purposes only,” she added. “You will have an opportunity to express your needs and wants that can be translated into potential solutions that will be shared with local and national policymakers”.
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