Two growers representing the protected crops industry are among the eight directors of Horticultural Crop Protection, the new company established to take over the job of applying for minor use pesticide approvals (EAMUs) following the winding down of AHDB Horticulture. They were appointed at its first AGM in February.
They are Robert James, representing protected edible crops, and ornamental plants grower Robin Squance.
The other directors are Rob Parker, Sam Rix, Keston Williams and Derek Wilkinson (various vegetable and field salad crops); and Ali Capper and Louise Sutherland (fruit).
“We have secured enough funding for cash flow in the first year and are working hard to establish the grower subscription system to ensure future costs can be met,” said Jack Ward, chief executive of the British Growers Association which is providing the company with administrative support.
“Now everything is up and ready to go, and already has significant industry backing, it is vital for the industry that growers get behind it.”
He said the industry would have to get accustomed to the idea of a new model of funding for EAMUs. “No sector can afford to lose this vital route to crop protection tools,” he said.
Mr Ward said the organisation would continue to work on the 80 to 90 applications for new EAMU authorisations each year that was historically undertaken by AHDB. He expects a number already in the pipeline will become available to growers during the next few months.