British Ornamental Plant Producers’ Certification Scheme (BOPP) has released the latest version of their Grower Standard (previously known as UKAS Grower Standard), which has been officially recognized as equivalent to the GLOBALG.A.P. IFA Standard Version 4.0 for Flowers & Ornamentals standard.
This benchmarking that the BOPP Grower Standard, which is reviewed every three to four years, is accompanied by a toolbox of templates and guidance notes which are available to assist BOPP members in meeting the standard.
Anna Cook, BOPP Scheme Manager, commented, “We are pleased to release the new version of the BOPP Grower Standard following eighteen months of intensely reviewing the requirements. The achievement of GLOBALG.A.P. equivalency is very significant for the BOPP Scheme as it demonstrates we set internationally accepted good agricultural practices, which are a minimum standard for many multiple retailers. The new standard introduces criteria for senior management commitment, managing suppliers, labelling procedures, crisis planning, sustainability and ethical trading standards.
“As well as introducing new requirements we have reviewed the level of compliance moving a number of criteria from minor to major, which will make the inspection more challenging to pass. The order of the standard has been re-worked to follow a more logical flow and wording has been harmonised with the packhouse standard to assist members who are certificated to both standards.”