GB Potatoes are pleased to announce that Alex Godfrey will be taking over the reins as Chairman after being elected at the Annual General meeting on the 12th December. Alex takes over from Mark Taylor who has been the Chair ever since the launch of the organisation in 2022.
Alex will be known to many in the potato sector as a director of the family business, R.J. & A.E. Godfrey. The Godfreys grow potatoes across North and South Lincolnshire, as well as growing cereals, vining peas and sugar beet. Alex was the Chair of the NFU’s Potato Forum for many years and has been the Vice Chair of GB Potatoes for the past year.
Alex said “I am looking forward to my new role in GB Potatoes as the organisation really starts to gain momentum and delivers on its original premise. Under Mark’s leadership the organisation has achieved many things and established itself to become an organisation that truly represents the whole of the potato industry across GB. Though there are a myriad of problems facing our industry I am confident that by working together we can deliver a sustainable and successful potato sector, able to withstand the pressures that are continually thrown our way.”
Mark Taylor said “After two years as Chair of GB Potatoes I feel that now is the right time to pass on the baton, and I am very pleased that Alex has been elected. His knowledge of the industry and the respect he holds within it are just what GB Potatoes need to take them forward to the next phase. I would like to thank the board for all their help and commitment to the organisation in my time as Chair.”
As the Chair of GB Potatoes Alex will serve for the next three years after which he may look for re-election for one more three-year period.