At its New Year’s reception on 16 January, Proeftuin Randwijk proudly unveiled its new name and corporate identity. The new name – Fruit Research Centre Randwijk (FRC Randwijk) – matches the ambition to further professionalise the experimental orchard and give it an international appeal.
Commissioned in 2014, the FRC in Randwijk is the central location in the Netherlands for hands-on innovation and knowledge development for Dutch fruit growing. The focus is on sustainability, quality, efficient and profitable production systems. The ambition of shareholders Fruitconsult, CAF and Delphy is to further strengthen the experimental orchard in close cooperation with partners NFO and WUR in the coming years and to work together towards a strong and future-proof fruit-growing sector.
The new name and visual identity have been designed to better reflect the ambition of the research site. ‘With this step, we emphasise who we are and what we stand for. FRC wants to be the preferred location where growers and chain parties of the fruit sector feel at home. Besides a versatile orchard with various crops, systems, species and varieties (organic and conventional), we rely on fruit yields, m² rental and events as three important pillars. In addition, the FRC should ensure connection and involvement of chain parties.’
Chain parties can use FRC Randwijk’s facilities for confidential independent research. They are guided in this by FRC specialists. The FRC is thus at the basis of many innovations in the sector, contributing to innovation and making the chain more sustainable.