With more than a decade of research and development in soil science, crop nutrition needs and uptake, Emerald Research Ltd (ERL) is putting its knowledge into helping potato and vegetable farmers balance sustainability with the increased yield and profitable crop production.
OptiYield® Core is a tailored ‘ready to go’ programme from the OptiYield CHIPS family. OptiYield Core pinpoints each crop’s most important growth stages and targets these with the appropriate mixture of nutrients and biostimulant to maximise performance and minimise waste.
Trials of OptiYield Core products have consistently delivered improved marketable yields of potatoes, carrots, and other crops of between 12% and 25%, leading to significant increases in net ROI of £500 – £1,500 per hectare.
ERL has long been a champion of driving down on-farm inefficiencies and expenditure on fertiliser and pesticides and effective foliar nutrition is one natural outcome of this approach. Simon Fox, ERL Managing Director, explains: “In order to improve agriculture’s sustainability, we need to stop throwing nitrogen and phosphate fertiliser directly onto the soil and hoping it reaches the roots. Not only is it a waste of physical inputs, with today’s prices, it is literally pounds up in the sky as Greenhouse gases or down the drain in run-off!. This is why most of the OptiYield Core products are foliar applications, all of which can be tank mixed together with conventional products to reduce the number of passes.”
OptiYield Core is a package of nutrient and biostimulant products that has been developed from the results of many trials, from laboratory research to academic trial plots right the way through to farm field trials. The research into formulations and applications has provided the basis for the OptiYield range of nutrition, biostimulant and biological products that have been developed to achieve a maximum crop uptake and yield output with a minimal environmental impact.
For more information on the OptiYield Core package visit www.Emeraldresearchltd.com or call 01242 506206