As the demand for peat-free products continues to skyrocket, leading substrate producer Bulrush Horticulture has been investing back into the business and increasing capacity to help cater to the uptake in orders and continue to provide customers with a reliable supply of high-quality peat-free growing media solutions.
Significant investment and an expansion in operations will see Bulrush increase capacity by this autumn, ensuring the business will be well-placed for 2025, providing professional growers with a reliable supply of its market-leading mixes.
Bulrush Sales Director, Alex Julien explains: “It has been an extremely busy year for us so far and we have been doing a lot behind the scenes to increase our output and capacity to ensure we are in an even better position for next season. Following the acquisition and upgrade of a new coir processing plant in recent years, we have continued to put money back into the business and have some big things in the pipeline, which will come to fruition in time for next year. We are on the precipice of something very exciting, which we know will offer a huge benefit to our customers.”
Alex concludes: “We have seen demand for peat-free products increase exponentially over the past few years, which is great news. We have invested to ensure our business can match this growth and provide customers with a consistent supply of innovative products. We are investing across the board – in technology, people, and facilities – all of which will help increase our output significantly. All this work is supported by our ongoing commitment to new product development and growing trials. These new additions will be in place and ‘switched on’ ready for season 2025.”