British Apples and Pears Ltd (BAPL) and Niab are co-hosting a top fruit technical day in Kent on Monday 10th February 2025. This hybrid event will take place in The Mumford Building at Niab’s East Malling site allowing for both in-person or on-line attendance.
The day will brief apple and pear growers on the latest research projects that their subscriptions are funding. The research projects are all designed to address some of the industry’s most pressing production problems and speakers will include scientists from Niab, ADAS and the University of Greenwich along with growers and agronomists.
Topics will include the improvement of low-oxygen storage of Gala, new control opportunities for apple scab and canker and new approaches to forest bug and codling moth control. Delegates will also find out more about an Innovate UK project to develop precision orchard management for the environment, how the industry is contributing towards carbon capture and the Horticulture Crop Protection Ltd team will explain how grower funds are being used to deliver new and alternative plant protection products for the apple and pear sector.
There is space for 80 delegates to attend in person at the Niab site, with a live virtual connection offered to those unable to travel to the Kent location.
Commenting British Apple and Pear Ltd research programme manager Rachel McGauley said, “This event is a key date in our R&D calendar. It’s about ensuring our growers understand the plan for our R&D work and how their money is being spent. The results of research and development work that we have previously commissioned is already delivering helpful results that growers can use in their businesses right now.”
Niab knowledge exchange manager Scott Raffle, commented, “Niab is pleased to co-host this event at our East Malling site. Many growers and businesses have been keen to reinstate events which allow delegates to meet and chat in person rather than relying solely on virtual meetings. The new facilities that have been developed at East Malling with funding from The East Malling Trust, Growing Kent & Medway and Kent County Council have allowed us to collaborate with British Apples and Pears Ltd to create what will be an informative day with the opportunity for delegates to network.”
To register or find out more, visit the British Apples and Pears Ltd website at: