More circular economy conserves resources and protects our climate – this has been scientifically confirmed by Pöppelmann TEKU®, which specialises in products for commercial horticulture, using its Circular360 closed-loop plant pots. In order to pave the way for even more customers from the green sector to conserve resources, the plastics specialist is now launching Baseline, an alternative to black plant pots. This makes it easy for users to enter the circular economy.
With its PÖPPELMANN blue® initiative, the Pöppelmann Group has long been strongly committed to achieving more resource conservation and climate protection through a genuine circular economy. The TEKU® division is making an outstanding contribution to this with its circular sealing plant pots of the Circular360 category: The pots consist of 100% post-consumer recyclate (PCR) in the plastic used and can be completely recycled after use. A recent study by the Fraunhofer Institute UMSICHT now also scientifically proves the effectiveness of circular economy with regard to resource conservation and climate protection using the example of the plant pots of the category Circular360.
Black plant pots are not yet recyclable. However, they cannot yet be replaced in certain areas of the horticultural sector. With Baseline, Pöppelmann TEKU® now offers the industry a more resource-saving alternative for these applications. The plastic content of the new baseline range consists exclusively of post-industrial and post-consumer recyclates (PIR and PCR). The resource-saving plant pots will be available in grey. After use, they can be fed into the recycling cycle and are 100 percent recyclable, confirmed by the certification of the Institute cyclos-HTP. The lighter colour scheme of the plant pots facilitates sorting in the recycling companies’ facilities. In this way, the material remains in the cycle. With this recyclable alternative to black plant pots, which will be available for numerous product ranges, the plastics specialist makes it easy for its customers to switch to more sustainable products.
In order to maintain circularity at a high level, it must be ensured that as many products as possible remain in the cycle and that 100 percent of the PCR contained in the circuit is reused. The new product category Baseline is intended to help increase this contribution further. “With Baseline, we are further expanding our range of sustainable articles and offering our customers even more future-proof products. European legislation will demand and promote the circular economy even more strongly in the future, so that the focus in Europe will be on recyclable products in the future. Pöppelmann has set itself ambitious goals: By 2025, all packaging produced in-house should be 100 percent recyclable. We want to cover as much of our total material requirements as possible with post-consumer recyclates (PCR) or other recyclates including post-industrial recyclates (PIR). With the development of Baseline as an alternative to non-recyclable black products, we are contributing to this goal”, explains Sven Hoping, Head of Sales at Pöppelmann TEKU®.