A step forward in the fight against codling moth is now possible thanks to the introduction of Trapview automated self-cleaning traps to the apple growing sector. The ground-breaking automated pest monitoring and forecasting platform suitable for use for more than 60 pest insect species, patented by Slovenian company EFOS but already introduced in more than 50 countries worldwide, will be making its first appearance at Interpoma (Bolzano).
Trapview is a completely automated solution which does not require constant manual procedures on the part of the operator. The traps photograph the insects trapped with the aid of the specific pheromone and send the data in real time to a cloud platform, where they are uploaded and processed daily, before being analysed by sophisticated AI algorithms. This enables precise, reliable monitoring of the presence and evolution of codling moth populations, minimising the risk of the human errors common during counts in the field. In addition, thanks to its integrated pest forecasting models, Trapview can give advance warning of pest attacks and recommend the optimal timing of pesticide treatments. All this generates savings of time and resources for fruit farmers, promotes a more sustainable production, and enables the optimal use of crop protection products, spraying only when and where needed.
This solution’s effectiveness for monitoring codling moth was also confirmed by a trial conducted by the Laimburg Research Centre in South Tyrol this year: “The tests performed in two apple orchards this year,” states Peter Neulichedl, an entomology expert in the Plant Protection research area, “showed a codling moth trapping performance at least equal to standard traps and very high precision in identification of the trapped insect. We were impressed by the associated software app, which provides an accurate, real-time view of the situation in the orchard from a remote monitoring station.”